Cut the Rope Theme

8.1 1K+

v2.0.1 por ZeptoLab

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Sobre Cut the Rope Theme

AirThemes together with ZeptoLab present the official Cut the Rope Theme! Check it out and customize your phone with original characters all around you – lock screen, wallpaper, icons and so on!
Cut the Rope Theme includes:
• Lock screen featuring pattern lock where you can feed Om Nom candies every time you unlock your phone
• Live screen wallpaper with a set of different backgrounds and Om Nom to keep you company
• Cut the Rope game style icons set
• Cut the Rope game style All apps interaction
• Clock and weather widget
• Om Nom Stories video widget which keeps access to new Om Nom stories at your fingertips
All these features are included in one simple install, just download and follow onscreen instructions. For the lock screen to work you will need to disable any native Android lock screens. That is done in Android Settings under Screen lock menu item (make sure it is set to “None”).
Cut the Rope Theme is part of brand themes published by AirThemes. This theme will also install AirThemes marketplace app for easy access to more brand themes.

Atualização de Cut the Rope Theme 2.0.1

- Stay up to date with the news feed!
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Cut the Rope Theme
Cut the Rope Theme 2.0.1 APK
August 21, 2017 31.57 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.2+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, mips64, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: ea833a639c5f328590b97c7e9793ba2f982461f7

Size: 31.57 MB

What's New:

- Stay up to date with the news feed!
Cut the Rope Theme
Cut the Rope Theme 2.0.0 APK
January 10, 2017 28.91 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.2+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: fbc91a0e31aad03e6ee9f1929ff8e4ec17c4c55f

Size: 28.91 MB

What's New:

- Stay up to date with the news feed!
Cut the Rope Theme
Cut the Rope Theme 1.5.0 APK
February 13, 2016 32.47 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.2+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 2d6ad0b52987bae7ba93a7b62098933704aedda9

Size: 32.47 MB

What's New:

- Stay up to date with the news feed!
Cut the Rope Theme
Cut the Rope Theme 1.4.0 APK
January 28, 2016 32.21 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.2+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 180034ce23cf5ba0de18d751374cc511d300bb79

Size: 32.21 MB

What's New:

- Categorized and sorted all apps for better experience!
- New Wallpaper option to prolong device battery life and improve performance on low end devices.
- Fixed weather widget issue.
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Android 4.2+