相信音樂感受音樂帶來的悸動 走在街頭巧遇的曲子,演唱會後的感動,歡迎來這裡延續 實際感受歌手帶給你的美好瞬間,相信音樂將陪伴你每個時刻..
9.0 10K+
動畫瘋 1.16.26 is an Android Entertainment app developed by 巴哈姆特電玩資訊站. Explore 161 alternatives to 動畫瘋.Bahamute launch of genuine free animation platform that provides updated simultaneously with the Japanese anime of the season!
7.6 1K+
MOOV 4.1.17 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by Moov (Hong Kong) Limited. Explore 104 alternatives to MOOV.MOOV is HK’s largest paid digital music service* belonging to local music lovers.
10.0 474
STAYREAL行動商城 25.2.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by STAYREAL_NETWORK. Explore 50 alternatives to STAYREAL行動商城.由五月天阿信與藝術家不二良共同創立的服飾品牌,憑著對設計的熱愛與流行的敏銳度,將設計延伸至各種流行服飾與生活用品.
6.7 1K+
NetEase Music 9.2.60 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by 网易(www.163.com). Explore 200 alternatives to NetEase Music.Good reputation, Okuma library, 300 million fanatical fans Recommended.
9.4 49K+
MixerBox ▶️ 20.44 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by MixerBox© - Music & MP3 Player App. Explore 156 alternatives to MixerBox ▶️.Unlimited music and MP3 player.
8.9 11K+
Yee Music 1.9.16 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by yeemusic player inc.. Explore 132 alternatives to Yee Music.Yee Music is a music player that can play more than 40 million songs with you. It is a real music player, a music download software/music player that saves data.
Timberland 25.2.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 91APP, Inc.. Explore 47 alternatives to Timberland.Timberland's official flagship online platform, with traditional New England craftsmanship and style, creates functional and environmentally friendly products, bringing you a new online shopping experience.
快車肉乾 25.2.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 快車肉乾. Explore 194 alternatives to 快車肉乾.快車肉乾30多年的熟悉滋味,提供APP隨時線上購物服務,安全線上刷卡、全省宅配到府。.
果貿吳媽家餃子 25.1.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 果貿吳媽家. Explore 22 alternatives to 果貿吳媽家餃子.The No. 1 brand of handmade dumplings on the Internet, the best-selling New Year dish. The Internet is competing for group purchases. It insists on handcrafting and carefully selected ingredients, and is full of military village style cuisine. Now there are no restrictions on 24-hour shopping. It is a mobile dumpling restaurant that is exclusive to you. Swipe to order and have it delivered to your home!!!
D+AF 1.369 is an Android Shopping app developed by D+AF Shoes. Explore 93 alternatives to D+AF.D+AF Shoes.
PUFII帕妃 25.1.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 91APP, Inc.. Explore 35 alternatives to PUFII帕妃.網購流行女裝知名品牌,網路購物深耕已久,女裝與配件款式眾多質感佳,主打時尚潮流單品與正韓商品.
KKTV 2.8.1 is an Android Video Players & Editors app developed by KKVideo Limited. Explore 78 alternatives to KKTV.250+ Japanese dramas, the most powerful film library, popular Japanese dramas to watch; 1400+ animation films library, strong and new films to watch; as well as Taiwanese dramas, Korean dramas, Chinese dramas, Hong Kong dramas, Thai dramas, good dramas from various countries, variety shows, movies and documentaries , rich content is all on KKTV.
歐可茶葉 24.11.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 歐可茶葉. Explore 26 alternatives to 歐可茶葉.台灣網路原創茶葉品牌,以真奶茶、袋棒茶及冷泡茶產品最受歡迎。 獲得康熙來了、商業周刊、上班這檔事、蘋果日報等媒體推荐!.
5.8 172
KKTIX 5.1.2 is an Android Entertainment app developed by WALKING INTERNET ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED. Explore 129 alternatives to KKTIX.Discover events around you, and get the tickets at your fingertips.
艾美時尚女鞋 24.9.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 91APP, Inc.. Explore 25 alternatives to 艾美時尚女鞋.Amy fashion achievements you with cheap fashion beautiful, unique style and diverse promotional activities from time to time, let you easily enjoy shopping!
10.0 13
KKTIX Manager 3.0.2 is an Android Business app developed by WALKING INTERNET ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED. Explore 137 alternatives to KKTIX Manager.*For event organizers*: check in attendees like a pro!
台語金曲 5.4.7 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by Music&Video App. Explore 134 alternatives to 台語金曲.Easy-to-understand MV player for Taiwanese songs, with many songs and many singers.
9.1 227
台語老歌 3.1.7 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by zzhStudio. Explore 200 alternatives to 台語老歌.Taiwanese Old Songs is a music, audio and video playback software that collects classic Hokkien songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
9.5 146
粵語歌曲 2.2.6 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by Music&Video App. Explore 172 alternatives to 粵語歌曲.Classic Cantonese nostalgic song MV player, miss Cantonese songs, you will never tire of listening.
7.4 1
hmvod is an Android Entertainment app developed by Anyplex Hong Kong Ltd.. Explore 65 alternatives to hmvod.***hmvod - Anywhere, Anytime, Deliver On-Demand***.
STUDIO A 24.1.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 91APP, Inc.. Explore 16 alternatives to STUDIO A.STUDIO A 官方行動商城,嚴選上千種週邊商品與最新智能應用產品,打造最貼近您的時尚、智能、生活體驗館!.
QUEEN SHOP 2.5.2 is an Android Shopping app developed by Queen Shop. Explore 34 alternatives to QUEEN SHOP.台灣原創服飾品牌 QUEEN SHOP 全新購物更輕鬆,行動好感新生活。 藉由此APP,讓您隨時隨地找到喜歡的單品,享受全新購物體驗!.
韓秀姬 23.11.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 91APP, Inc. (20). Explore 110 alternatives to 韓秀姬.為愛美的女孩提供最新韓國流行美妝資訊,商品皆為韓國原裝正品,韓秀姬期許能提供女孩們一個最舒適且平價的購物平台,一個專屬於你的韓系美麗購物平台!
京站i購物 23.11.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 91APP, Inc.. Explore 17 alternatives to 京站i購物.京站時尚廣場官方購物APP,多樣化的商品品項,滿足您生活食裝趣遊需求,讓您享受快樂流行生活購物,美麗零時差。.
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