German entry to improve skills essential applications, German learning artifacts!
8.7 310
Eudic 10.0.0 is an Android Education app developed by QIANYAN NETWORK. Explore 200 alternatives to Eudic.Andrews system software easy to use offline dictionary.
8.4 10
中华成语词典 4.8.12 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by YoYo Dev Studio. Explore 103 alternatives to 中华成语词典.Standard, rigorous and detailed professional Chinese idiom dictionary.
8.5 30
每日德语听力 11.2.0 is an Android Education app developed by 欧路软件. Explore 122 alternatives to 每日德语听力."German daily listening." Hearing is necessary to learn German software.
8.3 49
扇贝单词英语版 5.6.202 is an Android Education app developed by shanbay.com. Explore 57 alternatives to 扇贝单词英语版.扇贝单词英语版是可以和小伙伴一起学英语背单词的app,千万用户的背单词神器,让你的英语水平突飞猛进,你确定不要来试一试吗?.
8.3 55
墨墨背单词 5.4.05 is an Android Education app developed by 成都墨墨科技有限公司. Explore 190 alternatives to 墨墨背单词.墨墨是一款精心设计的抗遗忘英语背单词软件,界面优雅、操作简洁、量身定制的记忆规划、高效的抗遗忘策略,让背单词有爽的感觉。.
10.0 48
每日西语听力 11.2.0 is an Android Education app developed by 欧路软件. Explore 200 alternatives to 每日西语听力."Daily Spanish listening" is necessary to learn Spanish software hearing.
8.6 106
扇贝听力 4.9.801 is an Android Education app developed by shanbay.com. Explore 35 alternatives to 扇贝听力.1. 不听几遍不给看原文,一句听不懂就不给听下一句,直到听懂为止;2. 关键词听写自测,进步不打折;3. 记录每一篇的用时和听写得分,看到自己的日积月累。.
9.4 75
每日法语听力 11.2.0 is an Android Education app developed by 欧路软件. Explore 200 alternatives to 每日法语听力."Daily French Listening" Android version is designed for the Android mobile phone software developed by French Listening.
8.6 30
知米背单词 5.2.23 is an Android Education app developed by 杭州蓝脑教育科技有限公司. Explore 52 alternatives to 知米背单词.Words are no longer memorized abstractly; instead it will be done in context.
9.2 46
Eshelper 9.8.9 is an Android Education app developed by QIANYAN NETWORK. Explore 200 alternatives to Eshelper.Andrews is best to use Spanish dictionary.
8.9 477
LiuLiShuo 8.47.37 is an Android Education app developed by LAIX Inc.. Explore 94 alternatives to LiuLiShuo.The scoring will be English teacher, you know you know better English.
8.5 273
不背单词 5.9.4 is an Android Education app developed by 北京艾斯酷科技有限公司. Explore 200 alternatives to 不背单词.Words don’t need to be memorized, they will naturally blend into the context.
9.4 488
每日英语听力 11.2.0 is an Android Education app developed by 欧路软件. Explore 200 alternatives to 每日英语听力.The best way to practice English listening.
8.8 78
轻听英语 2.7.9 is an Android Education app developed by 北京艾斯酷科技有限公司. Explore 200 alternatives to 轻听英语.Tingying English is an English listening application, where there are student parties, practical parties and English lovers. They started to practice listening, but later found that their speaking, reading, writing and translation skills have improved.
每日一句韓文 1.24 is an Android Education app developed by Otek International Inc.. Explore 119 alternatives to 每日一句韓文.Transwhiz 發行,實用韓語會話真人影音教學 app。結合真人影音教學、每日常用句子及必備單字,搭配教師解說及發音練習,適合各種程度或是沒有韓文基礎的人!.
9.8 22
鲁迅全集 7.5.0 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by zhangdalei. Explore 149 alternatives to 鲁迅全集.鲁迅先生的著作在二十世纪的中国社会是很有影响的。《鲁迅全集》APP让用户通过手机可以随时随地阅读欣赏研究鲁迅先生的著作。.
8.6 182
Nemo German 1.7.1 is an Android Education app developed by Nemo Apps LLC. Explore 192 alternatives to Nemo German.Speak the most useful words in German immediately and confidently.
9.1 303
英文字根記單字 2024.01 is an Android Education app developed by GreenHill. Explore 200 alternatives to 英文字根記單字.Are you still memorizing English words? The best way is to learn radical word groups, logic and homophony, and use radical word meaning skills to quickly memorize English words, and you can guess the meaning of words when you encounter unknown words in the future.
9.5 129
中華上下五千年 1.9.3 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by ShaSha Ltd. Explore 200 alternatives to 中華上下五千年."China five thousand years," covers the vast land of China from Pangu to five years down the development process late Qing Dynasty.
9.0 26
王羲之書法字典 6.3 is an Android Education app developed by Zhang Dongdong. Explore 84 alternatives to 王羲之書法字典.The dictionary put into the phone, so you instantly fall in love with calligraphy!
8.4 6
生词本背单词 3.1.0 is an Android Education app developed by gnehz972. Explore 45 alternatives to 生词本背单词.choose customized words to learn.
8.7 1K+
英文單字王3 免費版 3.0.17 is an Android Education app developed by airABC. Explore 200 alternatives to 英文單字王3 免費版.★慶祝全系列破 500 萬下載量,英文單字王限時特惠內購升級專業版 $USD 3.99! ★免費版版累積下載已突破200萬,最受歡迎的學英文軟體.
9.1 159
每日一句 1.0.220809_51 is an Android Education app developed by CloudedDragonTaiwan. Explore 109 alternatives to 每日一句.Learning an English daily quote Quotes to learn grammar and pronunciation, pronunciation and provide collection Quotes vocabulary with function.
9.3 22
Yixueguan 2.5.1 is an Android Education app developed by 译学馆. Explore 200 alternatives to Yixueguan.Knowledge without borders.
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