9.8 79
This is a rescue literary degeneration of ancient poetry APP, to help you learn ancient poetry.
9.8 79
This is a rescue literary degeneration of ancient poetry APP, to help you learn ancient poetry.
9.1 66
书法碑帖大全 2.5.5 is an Android Education app developed by 快雪时晴. Explore 58 alternatives to 书法碑帖大全.Calligraphy copybook and calligraphy dictionary APP.
8.1 116
Learn Cantonese Awabe 1.2.5 is an Android Education app developed by AWABE. Explore 200 alternatives to Learn Cantonese Awabe.Learn Cantonese by Speaking for travelers and beginners.
9.3 52
宋詞三百首 2.3.2 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 105 alternatives to 宋詞三百首.Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasures of ancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profound feeling!
9.7 13
iMuseum 0.6.1 is an Android Lifestyle app developed by Clover Team. Explore 200 alternatives to iMuseum.A lifestyle app that focuses on global art exhibitions and museum activities, so that you can always know the best exhibitions around you, make your own exhibition plan, record and share your exhibition photos.
8.5 72
周公解梦 9.7.0 is an Android Entertainment app developed by zhimastudio. Explore 200 alternatives to 周公解梦.Traditional Chinese culture, Zhou Gong’s Dream Interpretation will help you explore and analyze the mysteries of dreams, analyze the twelve zodiac signs, measure your health through palm prints, and calculate good and bad luck by numbers.
9.8 28
資治通鑒 1.8.1 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 105 alternatives to 資治通鑒.資治通鑒以時間為綱,事件為目,從周威烈王二十三年(西元前403年)寫起,到五代的後周世宗顯德六年(西元959年)征淮南停筆,涵蓋16朝1362年的歷史。.
9.7 50
三十六計 2.1.3 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 109 alternatives to 三十六計.三十六計或稱“三十六策”,是指中國古代三十六個兵法策略,它是根據中國古代卓越的軍事思想和豐富的鬥爭經驗總結而成的兵書,是中華民族悠久文化遺產之一。.
9.5 108
唐詩三百首 2.3.2 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 200 alternatives to 唐詩三百首.Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasures of ancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profound feeling!
9.5 130
孫子兵法 2.1.2 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 118 alternatives to 孫子兵法.孫子兵法又稱孫武兵法、吳孫子兵法、孫子兵書、孫武兵書等,是中國古典軍事文化遺產中的璀璨瑰寶,是中國優秀文化傳統的重要組成部分,是世界三大兵書之一。.
10.0 49
每日西语听力 11.3.0 is an Android Education app developed by 欧路软件. Explore 200 alternatives to 每日西语听力."Daily Spanish listening" is necessary to learn Spanish software hearing.
8.4 10
中华成语词典 4.8.18 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by YoYo Dev Studio. Explore 103 alternatives to 中华成语词典.Standard, rigorous and detailed professional Chinese idiom dictionary.
9.4 30
USA Radio 3.03.18 is an Android Entertainment app developed by EC App Studio. Explore 200 alternatives to USA Radio.Most popular Chinese radio stations from United State and other countries.
每日一句生活實用篇 1.6.2 is an Android Education app developed by Soyong Corporation. Explore 200 alternatives to 每日一句生活實用篇.A large number of specific Japanese conversation scenes are introduced, and the regular grammar used in on-site communication is detailed, so that learners can learn functional and practical Japanese through the imaginary experience of living in Japan!
9.1 27
China Radio 3.03.18 is an Android Entertainment app developed by EC App Studio. Explore 200 alternatives to China Radio.Most popular Chinese radio stations from China and other countries.
9.7 55
鬼谷子 2.0.2 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 119 alternatives to 鬼谷子.鬼谷子,又名捭闔策。據傳是由鬼谷先生後學者根據先生言論整理而成。該書側重於權謀策略及言談辯論技巧。鬼谷子共有十四篇,其中第十三、十四篇已失傳。.
9.3 58
莊子 1.9.6 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 95 alternatives to 莊子.《莊子》書分內、外、雜篇,原有五十二篇,乃由戰國中晚期逐步流傳、揉雜、附益,至西漢大致成形,然而當時流傳版本,今已失傳。.
9.9 32
三國演義 1.3.1 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 150 alternatives to 三國演義."Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the four famous Chinese classics, and it is the first long-length historical romance novel in Hui style in China. The full name is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".
9.7 156
道德經 2.2.1 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 200 alternatives to 道德經.道德經,又稱老子、道德真經、五千言、老子五千文,是中國古代先秦諸子分家前的一部著作,為其時諸子所共仰,是道家哲學思想的重要來源。.
9.7 64
史記 2.3.2 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 111 alternatives to 史記.《史記》是由司馬遷撰寫的中國第一部紀傳體通史。記載了上自上古傳說中的黃帝時代,下至漢武帝元狩元年間共3000多年的歷史(哲學、政治、經濟、軍事等)。.
9.6 1K+
國語辭典 3.7.8 is an Android Education app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 200 alternatives to 國語辭典.The Mandarin Dictionary is a handheld Chinese dictionary that supports offline, detailed content, no charge, and high-quality typesetting. The Mandarin Dictionary contains more than 20,000 GBK Chinese characters and more than 150,000 entries.
5.9 74
Wenxuecity 5.5.3 is an Android News & Magazines app developed by Wenxuecity. Explore 200 alternatives to Wenxuecity.Literary City (www.wenxuecity.com) official version - Android.
9.7 239
名句賞析 2.9.3 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 國語工作室. Explore 200 alternatives to 名句賞析.這個APP共收錄了近6000句古詩詞名句,並收錄了名句對應的古詩詞及其716位作者的詳細生平介紹,力求為大家還原一個真實的歷史原貌和創作背景。.
8.0 33
美国之音 is an Android News & Magazines app developed by VOA (Voice of America). Explore 200 alternatives to 美国之音.The VOA news application is suitable for mobile phones and all types of tablets.
了一法師 1.52 is an Android Education app developed by 心靈環保慈悲基金會有限公司. Explore 200 alternatives to 了一法師.Do not cry, please sad to me. Do not anger, disappointment to me please. Do not be discouraged, please give me helpless.
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